Being Holy Spirit inspired
We aspire to be a family of people committed to Jesus Christ and to each other, who together worship God with love, joy and peace, and seek to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22).
Applying Christian faith and Moral values
Our members desire to know, cater, support and encourage each other in a Christian lifestyle. Our members should see it as a duty to apply Christian faith and moral values to every aspect of life as individuals, as families, at work, in social and community life.
Sharing Christian Principles
We commit to bringing new people to share our Christian life, and so help them come to a personal experience of Jesus Christ, and their own commitment to Him.
Uniting People of Different Backgrounds
We welcome people (whatever their colour or racial connections) valuing each person as a child of God, irrespective of background and past lifestyle, as they come to find Jesus Christ within the fellowship of the Church.
Preparing People for the Lord’s Transformation
We remember the radical transformation which our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, brought about in the life of Saul, who, as a consequence of his experience on the road to Damascus, became Paul (Acts 9).